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Regular expression in a sentence

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Sentence count:76Posted:2020-10-22Updated:2020-10-22
Similar words: expressionexpressionsexpressionalexpressionlessexpressionismexpressionistgene expressionself-expression
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31 In this paper, the equivalent transformation relation of Regular grammar, NFA, DFA, State transition diagram and Regular expression is argued.
32 Looking at just the leaf node, this resembles the source code to a fair extend. Next this is translated into the machine code of the regular expression engine.
33 Under regular expression URL rewriting, every rewritten URI has at least one denotative twin.
34 The beginning and end of the range is separated by a comma (,) and may be specified as a line number, a regular expression, or a dollar sign ($) for end of file.
35 Coming up with the right regular expression and then working with the results of the Matcher class is really all there is to the library.
36 This filter could be a simple string operation such as indexOf() or, more powerfully, it could be a regular expression.
37 Contain UBB code and UBB portrait, using regular expression production.
38 You can refer to a subexpression from within a regular expression, and from within a replacement string.
39 Searches the specified input string for all occurrences of a regular expression, beginning at the specified starting position in the string.
40 The paper describes symbolic structure of word of program language with regular grammar and regular expression, constructs converted-state chart to identify word symbol.
41 This array contains regular expression rules for pluralizing special cases.
42 Searches the specified input string for all occurrences of a specified regular expression.
43 That alone is almost worth the price of admission if you're new to regular expressions or if you use advanced regular expression features.
44 The rule and type system changes discussed in the previous section must be applied to the XML rule and type system files in the installed version of the regular expression annotator PEAR.
45 Regular expression language has been all kinds of things will support.
46 Sed uses regular expression syntax to search for and replace text selectively in the pattern space as well as to control which lines of text should be operated on by sets of editing commands.
47 Write a regular expression that will return the decimal part of a numeric string. For extra credit, your expression should fail if the string contains anything other than a number.
48 The replace function uses three arguments: the first is the text to modify, the second is the regular expression that matches the part to be replaced, and the third is the replacement string.
49 Processes can be started, killed, restarted,( or sent arbitrary signals based on regular expression matches in the process table.
50 You run a regular expression against it to extract the user agent string.
51 Parentheses are used in a regular expression to create a subexpression.
52 The Kleene * or repetition operator will match zero or more occurrences of the preceding regular expression.
53 Searches the specified input string for the first occurrence of the specified regular expression.
54 The Matcher offers several methods to test regular expression: matches(), lookingAt(), and find().
55 The regular expression serves as character pattern to compare with the text being searched.
56 In fact, if you like, you can check names by regular expression or by other computation.
57 Front-end localization deals with everything which the user sees - error messages, and the regular expression syntax itself.
58 Although the regular expression syntax is tight and unlike normal code, the result can end up being more readable than a hand-rolled solution that uses a long chain of string functions.
59 Within a specified input string, replaces all strings that match a regular expression pattern with a specified replacement string.
60 In a nutshell, a regular expression describes a string pattern.
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